Whiskey in the Jar was made famous, initially, outside of Ireland by the Dubliners in 1967. This traditional song, also known as Kilgary Mountain, was also recorded by The Limeliters, Darby O'Gill, The Seekers, Peter Paul and Mary, the Grateful Dead, U2, Belle and Sebastian, Simple Minds, and most famously by Thin Lizzy, and Metallica.
The song dates back to the 17th century and probably inspired The Beggar's Opera by John Gay. The lyrics sometimes change depending on who is singing it, as is true of most folk songs hundreds of years old, but essentially it is the same song. The ballad follows a highwayman that robs an aristocrat (or high ranking military man. this doesn't really matter, he's an important man with tons of money and power), but the thief is betrayed by his mistress and is jailed. Below are the words, based mostly on the Thin Lizzy version, because it makes way more sense.
As I was going' over the far famed Kerry mountains
I saw Captain Farrell and his money he was counting
I first produced my pistol and I then produced my rapier
I said stand or deliver for I am a bold deciever
Musha ring dum a do dum a da.
Whack for my daddy-o,
Whack for my daddy-o
There's whiskey in the jar-o
I took all of his money and it was a pretty penny.
I took all of his money and I brought it home to Molly
She swore that she loved me, never would she leave me
But the devil take that woman,
for you know she tricked me easy

I dreamt of gold and jewels And I never knew the danger,
for about six or maybe seven, in walked Captain Farrell.
I produced my pistols, for she took my rapier,
and I shot him with both barrels.
Now some men like the fishing and some men like the fowling,
And some men like to hear the cannon ball a roaring.
Me? I like sleeping especially in my Molly's chamber.
But here I am in prison, here I am with ball and chain.