There are plenty of iconic, legendary characters out there to unearth, rewrite, revisit, parody, etc. However, depending on the character, there are some staunch scholars that do not like having their icon messed with. A good example recently would be the cry of outrage by Star Wars fans over George Lucas's editing of the cantina scene in the original Star Wars in 1997. The theatrical release in 1977 has Han Solo shooting Greedo the bounty hunter first.
Han Solo, although a Sci-Fi icon, is not truly a legendary character, in the true sense of the word. There are epic characters, true legends, whose origins are so far removed that sometimes it is difficult to truly state whether they are fiction, or actually existed in some form. Beowulf, Achilles and Agamemnon, Odysseus, Gilgamesh, Roland, Ivanhoe, Rob Roy, and Robin Hood are all good examples. Even characters from more modern American tales can fit this category, like John Henry, Paul Bunyon, and Mike Fink.
Then of course, there is Arthur.
King Arthur of Camelot, the heroic, tragic, legendary defender of England, and chivalry. Tales of Arthur can be traced back as far as 828 as recorded in Historia Brittonum. Since then, Arthur has been elevated to mythic status as a medieval Christian hero, defender of Britain from pagan evils, and leader during the "good old days" when England was at peace in a simpler time.
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and things were animated cell by cell |
This brings me to The Warlord Chronicles by Bernard Cornwell. Since the earliest known record of Arthur places him as a real person in 6th century England, Bernard Cornwell writes his trilogy placing Arthur in that time period as accurately as one can. Beginning with The Winter King, Cornwell builds the time period, narrating it through the first person experience of a third party. The narrator is Derfel of Cadarn and is based on Sir Bedivere.

This Arthur is not perfect. The character is portrayed as a normal man, full of hopes and dreams, one that makes mistakes, and one susceptible to lusts, and deception. This Arthur is all of those, plus he is portrayed as indifferent to religion (Christian or pagan), but heroic all the same.

These differences, of course, have made the Romantic Arthurian fanbase very angry. They behave very much like comicbook fans discussing changes in continuity. However, fans of historic fiction, and realism have nothing but praise for this brilliant reworking of the classic characters and legends.

These books are well written, exciting, and interesting; not just for historical fiction buffs either. Even if you are one of these Arthur purists, credit must be given to Cornwell for using the characters so well. This trilogy, for me, is like an Elseworlds tale published by DC comics. Everyone knows who Superman is, but things get interesting when you place this iconic character in the USSR, or the wild west, or in the middle of the Congo raised by apes. It may not be true to the canonical Superman, but these stories sure are cool. I feel Cornwell's trilogy about Arthur is like that. Even though it may not be true to the Arthurian legends that fans and scholars venerate, the story is still good, and it's fun to find where he has put the iconic characters, and how he approaches the classic tales.